Friday, October 30, 2009

Journal Excerpts

so i was rummaging through my nightstand and found the Napoleon Dynamite Journal. the following are random excerpts I'll share:

June 29th, 2009; 12:45am

Last night I dreamt 3 people died. I don't wish death upon them. I travelled to 1959 and witnessed a transformation. I then was trapped in a room with people I wish nothing to do with. Oh life, dear are a puzzle. I'm still trying to figure out the rest of the pieces. There's always some new asshole.

September 17th, 2009; 11:22pm

It's almost as if I'm emotionally regressing, but not quite. I overanalyze. I'm stubborn. I'm frustrated. Wake me up when September ends. P.S. when did it become cool to pretend to have money if you don't?

September 29th, 2009; 9:13pm

God speaks to people through intuition. Accept the facts.

October 19th, 2009; 1:10am

Wow, talk about feeling shit-tay. Hopeless. Verge of giving up. Some people are absolutely disrespectful. I do with them what i do best: complete disconnection. I shouldn't get so emotional. But that's how I am. For every low, there's a high. For ever black, there's a white. I feel like a fool again; di2t il 7ob w'mor il 7ob---dakheelak, shu 3amelt b 2albi? Ya Rab Eghfirli :(

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