Monday, December 7, 2009


i woke up around 8:30am, after being up til 4ish am. i took a "nap" from 12-5. pretty much just woke up. that nap gave me alot to think/dream about. my mind gave me something interesting to think about: all relationships have buttons. you have to know which ones to push depending on the situation.

reset-sometimes it helps to start over and forget everything that happened. if you push reset too many times though, it gets old. use sparingly and only in emergencies.

pause-when you're fighting or have a big decision to make, take a breather or break. don't talk to them for a couple days. if they're a little bitch about it, then let them go.

play-be very careful with the play button. with guys, you can go forward much easier than rewind. if you wanna take things slow, choose a slow pace. don't tell them you love them until you're sure that they love you back. as soon as you tell them "i love you", they start expecting stuff from you. for example, "if you really love me, you'd _________" do whatever.

rewind-don't even think about it. the past is the past.

fast forward-you can speed things up, but not too fast. otherwise, you're gonna lose that excitement you've been having and the song/relationship will end quickly.

volume controls-you wish you can mute the person when they're talking about BS but at the same time want them to speak louder when they show you they love you or shower you with affection.

EQ-this can be tricky. you want your relationship to be as pure as possible, with both sides feeling the same. if you pick an EQ layer where you hear everything beautifully, but it's not, you end up with a broken heart and feel like you were led on. don't hype things up and cause yourself distraught over an illusion.

if i think more, i'll let you know haha. if YOU think of more, i'm open to ideas.

the guy i was eyeing sucks right now. i'm moving on...

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